
To get over rejection, you must understand rejection. Never take it personally. Lets face it, we all have likes and dislikes. So we reject others as well. Push the boundaries back a little bit. Just take a chill pill with worrying about rejection. The reasons why rejection is painful, is because our egos and ideals get rejected but not us. That right there is the key component to understand.

Majority of cases, rejection is usually a beneficial tool to learn from. It helps you examine where you can grow, and possibly learn from. Have the attitude of, hey that is not my loss, but it is my own gain. I used to be one that got hurt through rejection. I lived off of ego more so than my own true being. Surrendering in to the world of fallacies in this social atmosphere, can be a bit depressing. It creates anxiety and vulnerability. Instead of living through real truth, you live off of human truth. Everybody has preferences, and so do you. Diversity is the dynamic tool and gift of this realm that we experience. With out it, wouldn’t this world be a bit predictable, and boring?

Give me rejection any time of the day. Why do I imply this? because rejection has helped me avoid toxic situations. Although, at that moment, I might craved a smoking hot chick, that rejection down the road has helped me understand how fortunate I was by getting rejected by her. At the time, despite having a desirable body and social personality, she had 4 kids, and living off of section 8. She was basically looking for either a sugar daddy, or a man with money. I made at the time, decent amount of money, but no where near her aspirations. Plus it had taught me about how superficial I was at that moment. See where the gains of rejection can imply?

Lets say you get rejected from a loan. This can be a blessing in disguise, because you can learn even more about what you need to do, to find someone who can believe in assisting to your mission. Rejection is more of a learning receptor, than a damaging one. I have molded in to the man I have become through rejection.

Bloggically Speaking, rejection gives out more gains than losses. Living off of ideals and ego only hurts you. But learning from denial, can only grow new strength with in you. In put your understanding on this blog.